College is an exciting new opportunity if you’ve just graduated high school or started a new life chapter. Here are a few tips from a current college student on preparing for college.

  1. The first thing is to stay organized. The term’s early days will be the most important. Almost always, your professor will give you a syllabus with all the assignments listed out with due dates. Choose a way to organize all of your projects from different classes, whether that is a written checklist or online, like Google Sheets.
  2. Use your school resources: Whether it’s using your student advisor to help plan for graduating or careers or using the student health and wellness center to see an in-school therapist, those resources are there for you. It can be hard to tackle college by yourself. There will be days when you may need extra guidance. 
  3. Get to know your professors:  Avoid distractions in class. Sit in the front row and introduce yourself to your professor afterward. When you start building a connection with your professors, they will remember you. Professors encourage their students to be attentive in their classes and show care in their work; this personal connection will help strengthen that student-to-prof relationship.
  4. Make time for yourself: Being aware of your mental health is essential during stressful times. Build a routine to balance your extracurricular activities and keep time for yourself. Whether meditating, reading a book for 30 minutes, exercising, etc. My time is key!

College has so many new opportunities. It’s a chance to explore many options but manage your time well and use those resources to your fullest potential. 

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